“The 8-Weeks of Healing” Initiative, is a series of teaching designed to guide a new pastor of a church that has been through trauma, down a pathway of healing, resuscitation, and revival.
The “The 8-Weeks of Healing” series of messages were born out of the dissertation authored by Dr. Melvin G. Barney, Esq., that bears the same name.
Many churches in America and abroad have been traumatized because of misconduct, misappropriation, and power struggles between former pastors and lay-leaders. When a church has been wounded in its past, it is very difficult for a new pastor to overcome barriers of distrust and develop relationships with the people, who will tend to be guarded and suspicious. The messages in “The 8-Weeks of Healing” series are designed to teach a new pastor and a church that has been through trauma, that empathy, justice-mindedness, and humility, partnership with the Godhead, and koinonia, are the prescription for resuscitating and healing a church that has been traumatized.
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